RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co)

Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza / Daniel Hauser.
based in Zurich, Switzerland.
Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza and Daniel Hauser have worked together since 1983. They use
all media they can find. The group became known with statements such as thinking alone is criminal (1991), artists are no flags (1993), I am a woman, why are you not? (1995) and you pay but you don’t agree with the price (1994 – 2005). Since 1997 RELAX resolutely rename all the public spheres as ‘economic spaces’.

Solo shows a.o.: Shedhalle Zurich/ch (1990), Kunsthalle Basel/ch (1992), Capp Street Project San Francisco/usa (1994); Kartause Ittingen Kunstmuseum Thurgau and Kunsthaus Glarus/
ch (1994); Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken/de (1995); Dartmouth College and Hood Museum of Art Hanover, New Hampshire/usa (1999); Künstlerhaus Bethanien Berlin/de (2003); Kunsthaus Centre PasquArt Biel-Bienne/ch (2005); Museum Folkwang Essen/de (2008); Cornerhouse Manchester/uk (2010).

RELAX, USE (unexpected side effects), installation view, CCA Tbilisi/ge, 2012.